Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Guest Posts: LJ on the Internet

I've been enjoying the opportunity to network with other bloggers of late and a few of my posts have been out and about on the net.

So for your reading enjoyment:

M is for Metaphor, for the A to Z Blogger's Challenge on The Masquerade Crew

If there's one phrase that every writer has heard ad nauseum, it's "show, don't tell." When I first came across that advice, I understood it in a very narrow context: that I had to describe every aspect of scene, character, and plot, avoiding the use of any sort of exposition.

Eventually, I realized that doing so would result in a very tedious, overwritten story. A more nuanced view of "show, don't tell," is in making sure that the story's language conveys emotion and action without the writer telegraphing it or summarizing it for the reader.  Continue Reading M is for Metaphor. . . 

I've been invited to join a group writing blog called Black Ink, White Paper as a regular contributor.  The lovely folks over there were kind enough to let me guest post with them during my release for THE BETWEEN and subsequently asked me to join their community.  I am pleased to be there and today is my first official post.

Making Room for the World, about travel, exposure to other cultures, and the expansion of creativity.

. . .  The ability to expand beyond your boundaries is a crucial skill for any artist. It is far too easy to fall into the trap of tunnel vision in extrapolating only from what you know. Reading and research helps, but there is no substitute for experiencing life outside of your comfort zone. Read the entire blog post here. . .

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