Tuesday, January 01, 2008

What I did on my school vacation. . .

Actually, it was my kids' school vacation.

We don't have a huge family. I am one of 2 siblings, as is my husband. My sister has one daughter, his sister has a daughter and a son. So the sum total of the first cousins is 5 (including our 2 boys.) We had them all here for school vacation and it was a blast.

They range in age from 9 to 15 and get along famously. We went tubing and skiing, played with the dog, and generally hung around laughing a lot.

I took the week off from work, from moderating duties at Wildpoetryforum, and from a lot of computer time in general (though I did a few K's worth of writing).

It was a wonderful week and it reminded me that we all need a break from our typical routines.

I wish you all a happy, healthy new year and may 2008 bring fulfillment to your dreams.

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